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  • Stacey Baker

Video Interviews – How to handle them

Today, we find ourselves in a situation where you cannot meet with a person face to face. So different methods are being put into play to allow interviews to still take place and one of these is via video calls.

Although these done because you are currently unable to physically meet with you interviewer, it does allow you to see them, but this also means that they can see you.

So although you will not meet with them physically, a video call interview is still considered a first impression, and you have to be prepared, because first impressions are lasting impressions

Look the part

You can be seen, no matter where your location may be. Make sure you have taken the time to get ready as you would when you were attending a face to face interview. Sort your hair and put on a smart shirt/blouse (although whatever bottoms you chose to wear is up to you!). You will find that this also makes you feel more professional, and more ready, as you would be in the case of a face to face interview

Make sure you do your research as you usually would

As you would any other interview, make sure you do your research about the company, and the role. Sit down beforehand, go through their website, go over the job description, and learn everything that there is to know. The questions may not be asked, but you need to make sure you are ready if they are not.


The background of your interview is a small, but subtle, way of showing an interviewer that you have taken the time to prepare. Where possible, sit yourself in front of a white blank wall, and make sure you can be seen (lighting, windows, etc). Test how your screen will look during the call, is it too light, too dark, will the person see something behind you that you would prefer them not to see.

Use it to your advantage

Make notes on the side, have hints and tips written down next to you. These are all things that you would not be able to do if you were meeting face to face. Use it to enhance yourself, and to allow you to make your interview better.

Look at the camera when you/they are speaking

When you are asking/answering a question, make sure you look at the camera, not the screen. Although you are not there, eye contact is key, and is appreciated by interviewers. This is actually hard to do, so practice before hand if possible

Close other programmes on your computer

Having a notification come through on another computer application is not ideal. Although you think that nothing will come through, people could send you messages/emails when you are least expecting it, and make a noise. So just before your interview, go through your computer and see what is open/closed.

We are all going through a weird time, and having to adapt to a very different situation. Make the most of every situation that you can, and stay positive.

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