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Do your research

Stacey Baker

With many of us finding ourselves with extra time on our hands, it might be a good time to start researching the companies you have applied for or have potential interviews with when this lockdown is over. There are a number of ways of doing this, aside from the obvious, and we wanted to go through a few that you may find helpful, whether it be now, or in the future.

The company’s own website

Majority of companies out there will have a website of their own. If you get an interview through us, this is one of things that we make sure to include on any interview confirmation, as it allows you to have a look at what every company wants you to see. You can learn so much from a company’s website, including what they do, who they are, what you need to know, and what they have worked on in the past. This will enable you to truly learn the values of the company, and what you will need/want to know should you gain employment with them.


This can be used for two things. Firstly, you can find out more about the company on LinkedIn, from their own page, as well as searching through other profiles of previous and current employees and the previous experience they have had. Secondly, if you know who you are being interviewed by, you can look at them, what they have done, and find something that you can use to relate to them. Having something in common can open an interview up and allow a connection to be made that others, and ultimately your competition may not have.

Social Media

Over the past few years, the social media page of a company has become increasingly significant. It allows people to be more interactive with a company, through pictures, public posts and reviews. This allows more people to speak to the people within the company and get a more rounded view. You can learn a lot from a company’s social media pages and use it to your advantage.


Every company out there will have been mentioned in an article at some point. Using Google, you can find it. Just type their name into the search bar and scroll. Whether it be good, or bad, you will be able to read other opinions and thoughts about that company and this can help shape your view of them. An outsiders opinion allows you to form one of your own and moving forward, you will be able to see how you can add value to the company you are applying for.

Other people

Although this could be something that you may struggle with, if you know of anyone who has worked in the company you are applying for, you can ask how they find/found it. This way, you can find a lot about the culture, the others who work there, and the people you will be working for and with. This gives you an insight into what your working life there may be like and could give you some questions to ask during the interview stages.

We know that things are quiet out there at the moment but take it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge on roles that you are/can be applying for.

Make sure you use this extra time you have to your advantage. It will be worth it in the long run.

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