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Wow them!

Stacey Baker

As much as your CV dictates whether you will be interviewed or not, it is during the interview that you have the opportunity to sell yourself to the best of your ability. This is an opportunity you need to take.

Your CV should list everything that you would want an interviewer to know about you- it is your greatest tool. However, meeting with someone face to face can allow you to elaborate on it and really make sure that the interviewer can see how impressive you can be.

Maybe think about asking a a few of the questions below and try and get your real personality across;-

1. How is feedback given to employees?

This may seem small, but for an interviewer to know that you are open to and want some form of feedback can be a big draw in. You want them to understand that you may not be exactly be what they expect you to be at the start, but that you are willing to approach the new culture with an open mind and will take constructive criticism in a positive manner.

2. Could you tell me what it looks like to get a performance review?

This can help you understand what expectations there are of you and shows engagement their HR processes. Performance reviews should, but do not always take place, and it could be a good topic of discussion in the interview.

3.Are there any special projects that I would work on soon?

Aside from your usual role, you want to seem as if you have an interest in becoming a vital part of the company. With this question, it allows the interviewer to know that you are more open to expanding within and would look at taking on extra tasks for specific projects that may not be within your job description, or comfort zone. It’s all part of the learning process but showing willingness to grow is a big benefit.

4. What types of people are the most successful here?

Although you want to be your own person and have your own impact on the company, it may help you to know if the people who have been successful before you have something in common with you. Any similarities will let you know what and how you can achieve greatness, and this would be a time for you to reiterate any of the points they say that you think you have.

5. What kind of processes and technology do you use to work collaboratively?

Knowing that you are willing to work alongside others in whatever way you can shows the interviewer that you are able to be part of a well-functioning team. Finding out the different ways in which this is done allows you to be able to get your research done before you start the role, so when this is explained to you during your onboarding, you know the basics and can get started much quicker.

6. What would you consider as accomplishments for someone in this role over the next year?

Expectations can make or break you when going into a new role. Being open and transparent about what you are expected to achieve and how you can move forwards will impress and allow you to beat your competition. It may be that you aim to exceed these expectations, within reasonable scope, but if you aim for the top, likelihood is you will achieve. Asking this question will also show the interviewer that you are aiming to be the best you can be, and show you are determined and driven.

7. Is there anything else I could tell you about myself that would help you with your decision?

This puts the interview in your hands. It gives the opportunity for the interviewer to ask any questions they may have forgotten to ask previously, or anything that has sprung to mind when you have asked your questions. It will also show that you are willing to be completely open and honest about yourself, so there are no surprises.

The spotlight is on you and the interview is your stage. This is your chance to shine and ensure that your personality and accomplishments come through. Remember interviewers will only know your accomplishments and strengths if you tell them.

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